101-Word Stupor — Free Range

Posted by on Aug 13, 2010 in Uncategorized

Keywords: Boisterous, Abracadabra, Golf 

George’s wife and her lover rotate on the rotisserie pole, bare asses dipping into the fire with every turn of the spit: hers, his, hers, his… The metal growls with each rotation. Abracadabra! his friend’s body disappears into the flames, then reappears. They’re screaming, but not like they were when George caught them. Now his wife rasps unintelligibly. And his friend sounds like the pig they roasted after playing golf last weekend. The spit grinds, rotates, and drags his wife through the fire. Something’s missing. With a boisterous “Ah-hah!”, George enters the trailer and emerges with two shiny apples. Much better. 

Keyword Preview for tomorrow: Scone, Linebacker, Aphrodisiac 

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101-Word Stupor — Frog Love

Posted by on Aug 12, 2010 in Uncategorized

Keywords: Counterfeit, Frog, Dirigible 

“I ain’t no good, Clara,” one frog says to the other. “I only got one leg, and the other’s all busted up. That chef in Louisiana… he almost got me. I watched my own leg get beer-battered. Christ. I’m drunk on tree sap most the time, lettin’ teenage humans lick my back so they’ll get higher than a… whatcha call it? Di-rig-ible? I sell counterfeit fireflies to tourist frogs, sprinklin’ glitter on houseflies’ wings to make them sparkle. Hell, Clara. I gotta make a livin’. Go find yourself a nice frog. I’m— Oh, come here. Give an old frog a kiss.” 

Preview: Boisterous, Abracadabra, Golf 

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