Jason Beymer’s Balls-Out Fifty Dollar Giveaway Contest

Posted by on Dec 7, 2010 in Adrien Luc-Sanders, Amazon.com, contest, gift card, Jason Beymer, rogue's curse

Okay, I’ve dusted off the big guns. This contest just went nuclear.

Ho, ho, ho! I’m giving away one $50 Amazon Gift Card. That’s fifty whole bucks you can spend on friends and family. ‘Cause the Holidays are a time to think about others. Right? YEAH RIGHT! Use the money to sweeten up your Kindle, trade it in for 5000 pennies, or buy yourself somethin’ nice (like Rogue’s Curse, for example. I’m just saying…)

My editor for Rogue’s Curse, Adrien-Luc Sanders is putting up most of the jack (Visit his blog here). Why are we doing this? Because both of us believe in the book and want you to buy it. And…well, you know…we like the attention.

Entering the contest is easy. We want to give away this money, so qualifying requires minimal effort on your part:

STEP ONE: If you haven’t already, connect with me on one of these social sites (the links will take you there):


Follow me” or “Become a Fan” or “Add my Book”, or “Friend” me (or whatever else you want to do). If you’ve already done this in the past, you’re halfway there! Proceed to Step Two.

STEP TWO: Leave a comment here. Say howdy, or something. Or…maybe tell people why they should buy Rogue’s Curse? (again, I’m just saying…)

On Wednesday, December 22, I’ll draw the winner’s name from a highly technical and complicated lottery mechanism. Then I’ll reveal the winner and email the gift card.

Yay, technology!

Please spread the word.
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Rogue’s Curse Release Day is Here!

Posted by on Aug 16, 2010 in Adrien Luc-Sanders, Jason Beymer, release day, rogue's curse


I am now a published author, though I don’t feel any different. Meh. Please purchase and read the book. I spent mucho time on it and injected all my heart and soul into every sentence.

And please let me know what you think. My email is always open: jason@beerandtv.com

The book is available for download from several different distributers (Diesel, Borders, MobiPocket, and many more). You can get it delivered straight to your Kindle by purchasing through Amazon, or you can buy directly from my publisher, Lyrical Press, Inc.

If you buy it, let me know so I can give you a big cyber-kiss!
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